[ * Indicates new to this edition. ] |
PART ONE American Political Ideas |
1 Alexis de Tocqueville Democracy in America
2 Cynthia Farrar Dinner with Democracy
3 James Davison Hunter The Enduring Culture War
4 C. Wright Mills The Power Elite
5 Richard Zweigenhaft / G. W. Domhoff Diversity in the Power Elite
6 Robert Dahl Who Governs? and A Preface to Democratic Theory
7 Cornel West Race Matters
8 Michael Kammen People of Paradox
9 Robert Bellah / Others Habits of the Heart
PART TWO The Constitution, Democracy, and Separation of Powers |
10 James Madison The Federalist 10 and 51
11 Richard Hofstadter The American Political Tradition
12 Alexis de Tocqueville Democracy in America
13 David Brian Robertson The Constitution and America’s Destiny
14 Mark Rozell Executive Privilege *
PART THREE Federalism |
15 James Madison The Federalist 39 and 46
16 Andrew Karch Democratic Laboratories
17 Erin Ryan Federalism and the Tug of War Within *
18 Lori Riverstone-Newell Renegade Cities, Public Policy, and the Dilemmas of Federalism *
PART FOUR Congress |
19 David Mayhew Congress: The Electoral Connection
20 Richard Fenno Home Style
21 Steven Smith The Senate Syndrome *
22 Michele Swers Women in the Club *
23 Paul Starobin Pork: A Time-Honored Tradition Lives On
24 John Ellwood/Eric Patashnik In Praise of Pork
Tweets and Dog Whistles - How Washington Talks |
25 Sen. John McCain Hey There! SenJohnMcCain Is Using Twitter
26 Chuck McCutcheon / David Mark Dog Whistles, Walk-Backs, and Washington Handshakes *
PART FIVE The Presidency |
27 Richard Neustadt Presidential Power and the Modern Presidents
28 Arthur Schlesinger The Imperial Presidency
29 Thomas Cronin / Michael Genovese Paradoxes of the Presidency
30 Craig Rimmerman The Rise of the Plebiscitary Presidency
31 Jack Goldsmith Power and Constraint *
32 Kenneth Mayer With a Stroke of a Pen *
Winning the Office |
33 Samuel Popkin The Candidate *
PART SIX The Executive Branch |
34 Paul Light A Government Ill Executed
35 Cornelius Kerwin / Scott Furlong Rulemaking *
36 James Q. Wilson Bureaucracy
Where’s My Office? |
37 Robert Reich Locked in the Cabinet
PART SEVEN The Judiciary |
38 Alexander Hamilton The Federalist 78
39 David O'Brien Storm Center
40 David Yalof Pursuit of Justices
41 Richard Fallon The Dynamic Constitution
42 Marcia Coyle The Roberts Court *
No Longer Just "Nine Old Men" [FDR] |
43 Jeffrey Toobin The Oath *
PART EIGHT Civil Liberties and Civil Rights |
44 Anthony Lewis Gideon's Trumpet
45 Richard Kluger Simple Justice
46 Charles Ogletree All Deliberate Speed
47 Obergefell v. Hodges and Chief Justice Roberts’ Dissent (2015) *
48 David Bernstein You Can’t Say That!
PART NINE Public Opinion and the Media |
49 V. O. Key Public Opinion and American Democracy
50 Thomas Cronin Direct Democracy
51 Larry Sabato Feeding Frenzy
52 Cass Sunstein Republic.com 2.0
53 Diana Mutz How the Mass Media Divide Us
PART TEN Interest Groups |
54 Alexis de Tocqueville Democracy in America
55 E. E. Schattschneider The Semisovereign People
56 Anthony Nownes Interest Groups in American Politics
57 Citizens United v. Federal Elections Commission (2010), Justice Stevens’ Concurrence and Dissent, and Commentary by Jack Fruchtman *
58 Matt Barreto / Gary Segura Latino America *
After Your Time in Congress - Now What |
59 Mark Leibovich This Town *
PART ELEVEN Voting and Elections |
60 Dante Scala Stormy Weather
61 Robert Boatright Getting Primaried *
62 Dennis Johnson No Place for Amateurs
63 David Mark Going Dirty
64 Sasha Issenberg The Victory Lab *
65 Kenneth Vogel Big Money *
Running the Campaign |
66 Rasmus Kleis Nielsen Ground Wars *
PART TWELVE Political Parties |
67 Sean Trende Are We in an Electoral Realignment? *
68 Ronald Brownstein The Second Civil War
69 Bill Bishop The Big Sort *
70 William Frey Diversity Explosion *
71 Robert Putnam / David Campbell American Grace *
72 Linda Killian The Swing Vote *
PART THIRTEEN Political Economy and Public Welfare |
73 Michael Harrington The Other America
74 Joseph Stiglitz The Price of Inequality *
75 Milton Friedman Free to Choose
76 David Wessel Red Ink *
77 Michele Wucker, Lockout
78 Steven Cohen Understanding Environmental Policy
It’s About Real People |
79 Sasha Abramsky The American Way of Poverty *
PART FOURTEEN America in a Changed World |
80 Samuel Huntington The Clash of Civilizations
81 Fareed Zakaria The Post-American World
82 Chalmers Johnson Blowback
83 Joseph Nye Soft Power
84 Richard Haass Foreign Policy Begins at Home *