PART ONE State and Local Government and Politics: An Introduction |
PART TWO State and Local Governments in the Federal System |
1 Madison's View of Federalism in The Federalist FRANCIS R. GREENE |
2 National Center for Interstate Compacts JOHN J. MOUNTJOY |
3 Trends in Interstate Relations JOSEPH F. ZIMMERMAN |
PART THREE The Legal and Cultural Environment of State and Local Politics |
4 State Constitutional Interpretation G. ALAN TARR |
5 State Bills of Rights: Dead or Alive? DOROTHY T. BEASLEY |
6 Municipal Charters LAWRENCE F. KELLER |
7 Marketplace, Commonwealth, and the Three Political Subcultures DANIEL J. ELAZAR |
8 Civic Culture and Government Performance in the American States TOM W. RICE and ALEXANDER F. SUMBERG |
9 Mapping the Genome of American Political Subcultures DAVID Y. MILLER, DAVID C. BARKER, and CHRISTOPHER J. CARMAN |
PART FOUR Political Participation and Elections |
10 Election Systems and Voter Turnout SHAUN BOWLER, DAVID BROCKINGTON, and TODD DONOVAN |
11 Cumulative Voting as an Alternative to Districting ROBERT BRISCHETTO |
12 Success for Instant Runoff Voting in San Francisco STEVEN HILL and ROBERT RICHIE |
13 The Oregon Voting Revolution DON HAMILTON |
14 The Nuts and Bolts of Public Financing of State Candidate Campaigns CRAIG B. HOLMAN |
PART FIVE Political Parties and Interest Groups |
15 What Color is Montana? WALTER KIRN |
16 First Among Thirds GREG SARGENT |
17 Interest Groups and Journalists in the States CHRISTOPHER A. COOPER, ANTHONY J NOWNES, and MARTIN JOHNSON |
18 Perceptions of Power: Interest Groups in Local Politics CHRISTOPHER A. COOPER, ANTHONY J NOWNES, and STEVEN ROBERTS |
PART SIX Executive Leadership in State and Local Government |
19 Chief Executive Success in the Legislative Arena MARGARET ROBERTSON FERGUSON |
20 An Institutionalist Perspective on Mayoral Leadership CRAIG M. WHEELAND |
PART SEVEN Legislative Institutions and Politics |
21 I Spent a Winter in Politics STEWART BLEDSOE |
22 Measuring State Legislative Professionalism PEVERILL SQUIRE |
23 Colorado's Term Limits: Consequences, Yes. But Were They Intended? JOHN A. STRAAYER |
24 Playing the Political Game KATE WILTROUT |
25 Being a Township Trustee Isn't a White-Collar Job BRIAN WILLIAMS |
PART EIGHT Bureaucracy, Bureaucrats, and Administrators |
26 Beyond Bureaucracy with Charter Agencies JIM CHRISINGER and BABAK ARMAJANI |
27 Does Age Matter? Local Governments in the Post-Baby Boom Era TODD TUCKER |
PART NINE State and Local Court Systems |
28 Judicial Selection and State Court Performance DAMAN CANN |
29 The Miracle of Jury Reform in New York JAMES P. LEVINE and STEVEN ZEIDMAN |
30 Small-Town Justice, With Trial and Error WILLIAM GLABERSON |
PART TEN State and Local Finances |
31 Budget Balancing Tactics SUJIT M. CANAGARETNA |
32 Rolling the Dice BRUCE BUCHANAN |
33 Tax Increment Financing RICHARD F. DYE and DAVID F. MERRIMAN |