LANAHAN is pleased to have high school teachers assign our books in their courses. These LANAHAN titles have been particularly successful in high school U. S. Government courses.


In every way...the best readings for your classroom.

New — 2023

in the American Polity, Seventh Edition
edited by Ann G. Serow & Everett C. Ladd
978-1-930398-00-9  © 2023  $44.00 discounted price for high schools ($55.00 retail price)

A major success in its Sixth Edition - assigned in over 400 high schools - the new Seventh Edition once again offers an unparalleled coverage of the American political scene and the most diverse collection in authorship, topic and source, all at an exceptionally low price: $44.00 and free shipping!

See the table of contents for the Seventh Edition.


For your introduction to law course...

to Law and Legal Reasoning
by Rick A. Swanson
978-1-930398-23-8  © 2021  $37.60 discounted price for high schools  ($47.00 retail price)

An engaging introduction to the philosophical, institutional, and practical sides of American Law from jurisprudence, the U.S. court system, and the substance of contract, tort, and criminal law to the skills legal reasoning.

See the table of contents for this LANAHAN LAW title.


New Third Edition!

A brief and economical choice for your Constitutional law course - or for your U.S. government and politics course as it includes discussions and excerpts from all the case rulings required by the new course "re-design."

The Supreme Court and Constitutional Law
Rulings on American Government and Society, Third Edition
by Jack Fruchtman
978-1-930398-22-1  © 2019  $29.60 discounted price for high schools  ($37.00 retail price)

See the table of contents for this LANAHAN casebook and primer on the court.


Still available

in the American Polity, Sixth Edition
edited by Ann Serow & Everett C. Ladd
978-1-930398-19-1  © 2016  $44.00 discounted price for high schools  ($55.00 retail price)

See the table of contents for the Sixth Edition.


in Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, Third Edition
edited by David M. O'Brien
978-1-930398-14-6  © 2010  $25.60 discounted price for high schools  ($32.00 retail price)

See the annotated table of contents.


Clash of Ideals
Cases in American Political Development
by Brendan J. Doherty, Howard R. Ernst, Stephen E. Frantzich & Priscilla H. Machado Zotti
978-1-939398-13-9  © 2010  $19.20 discounted price for high schools  ($24.00 retail price)

Four brief, engaging, and historical cases highlight central issues that America continues to confront today.

See the table of contents.


Two books for your courses on media, politics, and journalism

in Media & Politics
edited by Lewis S. Ringel
978-1-930398-11-5  © 2009  $25.60 discounted price for high schools  ($32.00 retail price)

"Here is a wonderful sampler of all things media for courses on politics and journalism. These readings will inform, delight, and engage students in and out of the classroom."   - Larry J. Sabato, Media and Elections Analyst, Professor of Politics, University of Virginia

See the table of contents.


Feeding Frenzy: Attack Journalism & American Politics
by Larry J. Sabato
978-0-9652687-8-3  © 2000  $23.20 discounted price for high schools  ($29.00 retail price)

The brief and inexpensive classroom version of Professor Sabato's influential, and now, widely-adopted book on the media . . .


Examination / Review Copies
Please contact LANAHAN to receive a free examination copy of any book that you would seriously consider assigning in your course. Indicate the book title and provide your full school address. See Exam Copy / Desk Copy Request Center.


Purchasing, Shipping, Handling, and Delivery
Your school can order books directly from LANAHAN by e-mailing, mailing, faxing, or calling in a purchase order using the numbers or addresses below. Call us to use a credit card. Please note that high schools pay for books only! There are no shipping nor handling charges. Books are typically shipped within 24 hours of receiving a purchase order and should arrive in a week (west coast) or less (midwest and east). Only by ordering directly from LANAHAN can your school receive the discounted price and free shipping.


The LANAHAN AP™ Institutes Program
LANAHAN is pleased to supply copies of The LANAHAN READINGS in the American Polity for free to leaders of AP™ Institutes for distribution to workshop registrants. Please contact us at the numbers or addresses below to make arrangements.


* prices subject to change

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